December 7-9, 2023. De Soto Hotel, Savannah, GA

Invited Speakers

Indira Mysorekar, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Chief of Basic and Translational Research Baylor
College of Medicine

Zachary Danziger, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Florida
International University, Miami, FL

William Ricke, PhD, Professor of Urologic Research, Director of the George M. O’Brien
Center, University of Wisconsin

John O. DeLancey, MD, Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan

George A. Kuchel, MD. Professor and Chair Department of Medicine,
University of Connecticut

Kristy Nicks, PhD, Program Director for the Bone Biology, Metabolic Bone
Disorders, and Osteoporosis portfolio at National Institute of Arthritis and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS), NIH, Bethesda
Trainee Presentation Award Winners
1st Place!

Adam Doelman – University of British Columbia
2nd Place

Rayna Birnbaum – Albert Einstein College of Medicine
3rd Place

Annissa Cervates – Duke University Medical Center

Top 10 Abstracts
Armand Allkanjari – Male Akita Mice Develop Bladder Underactivity Independent of NLRP3 as a Result of a Decrease in Neurotransmitter Release from Efferent Neurons
Rayna Birnbaum – Targeting FL2 after cavernous nerve injury promotes nerve regeneration and erectile function through modulating microtubule dynamics in multiple cell types
Adam W. Doelman – Wireless catheter-free pressure sensors to assess neurogenic lower urinary tract dysfunction in a porcine model of spinal cord injury
Nagat Frara – Upregulation of brain‐derived nerve factor (BDNF) expression and enhanced reactive oxygen species production in lower motor neuron‐lesioned dog bladder mucosa following somatic‐motor nerve transfer
Shelby N. Harper – Strict glucose control and elimination of NLRP3-induced inflammation prevents diabetic bladder dysfunction in the female Akita mouse model
Soumya Kamath – Characterization of female bladder and vaginal function in a preclinical model of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Michael R. Odom – Testosterone Contributes More to the Development of Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction in Type 1 Diabetic Male Mice Than Hyperglycemia
Rinaldo R. dos Passos Jr – The role of NLRP3 (nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich–containing family, pyrin domain–containing-3) in chronic stress-induced vascular and erectile dysfunction..
Afrida Rahman‐Enyart – Microglia Mediate Symptoms of Chronic Pelvic Pain
Jillian Sullivan – Inhibition of cyclophosphamide-induced bladder inflammation and hyperactivity through knockdown of the endogenous cholinergic toxin-like signaling peptide

Travel Awards
Rayna Birnbaum – Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Anissa Cervantes – Duke University Medical Center
Mohamed Elazab – Cleveland Clinic
Britney Hudson – Clemson University
Shaimaa Maher – Cleveland Clinic
Rinaldo R. dos Passos, Jr. – University of South Carolina
The Pre-Meeting Flyer